

Jekyll Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate to be used for Jekyll-assignments in the course. Docker is used for serving the Jekyll-site.


Make sure you have the following installed on your system:


Pull (git pull into your existing repo. Make sure you are in the root of your repo.

npm install

This will fetch the jekyll docker image and create a new Jekyll site in this folder.

Daily workflow

npm start

This will start watching for changes in your files and rebuid the site.

Open up a browser and visit the url http://localhost:4000

Fire up the IDE of your choise (Visual Studio Code etc.) and start editing your site. When a file is saved the watch-script will auto generate the site. (including sass-files but not true for _config.yml)

If you change the _config.yml file, you can rebuild using npm run update

When you are done simply ctrl+c to abort the watch.