

Generate files with template-driven content. A simple, more generic alternative to Jekyll and Assemble.

** this project is a WIP **


Boilerplate a new package, page, stylesheet, module, app, whatever.. A simple, lightweight alternative to Jekyll and Assemble.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-boil --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "boil" task

Use Boil to boilerplate new files and folder structures in your project. The kind of commands you might run include:

Create a new package structure called "Components"

$ grunt boil:package:Components

Boilerplate a new "Person" module in the "Components" package

$ grunt boil:module:Person:Components

Generate the index page

$ grunt boil:index

..or the whole site

$ grunt boil:blog


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named boil to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

    boil: {
        options: {
            // Handblebars helpers to load
            helpers: "helpers/*.js",
            // Default data. Is overridden by target level options and extended by mapping and src-level options.
            data: { user: "Lloyd", task: "grunt-boil" }
        your_target: {
            // standard grunt file array defining what to create
            files: [
                    src: "index.hbs"
                    dest: "index.html",
                    data: {
                        title: "Index page",
                        news: [
                            { title: "An event happened", "content": "etc.." }



Type: String | Array
Default: []

A globbing pattern, or array of patterns specifying the filenames of handlebars helpers to be registered. Each helper module should look something like this:

module.exports = function(handlebars){
    handlebars.registerHelper("myHelper", function(context, options){
        // your helper code here


Type: String | Array
Default: []

A globbing pattern, or array of patterns specifying the filenames of handlebars partials to be registered. Each partial should be a file containing markup looking something like this:

<a href="{{url}}">{{text}}</a>

The filename of the partial (minus the .hbs extension) becomes the registered name. So, the partial with a filename of fileStats.hbs is inserted like so:

    <p>See below for the file statistics</p>
    {{> fileStats}}


Type: Object
Default: {}

The data available to all src templates.

Two properties are added to data automatically - grunt (giving access to grunt config, functionality etc) and args, containing the arguments passed to the task.

You can set an args array in data to be used as default values in the case no args are specified:

data: {
    args: [ "packsges "]


A set of progressively more complex examples.

Boil a single, empty file

This target:

empty: {  
    dest: "empty.txt"

with this command:

$ grunt boil:empty

Produces this file:


Boil a single file with content

This target:

meanings: {  
    src: "default-meanings-file.txt",
    dest: "meanings.txt"

with this command:

$ grunt boil:meanings

Produces the file meanings.txt with the content specified in default-meanings-file.txt.

Copy a file without any template resolution

This target:

logo: {  
    copy: "assets/standard-logo.png"
    dest: "logo.png",

with this command:

$ grunt boil:logo

Simply duplicates the file specified by copy. Useful for binary files.

Create several empty files in sub-folders

This target:

  boil: {
    empty: {  
        create: [

with this command:

$ grunt boil:empty

Produces this output:

$ find tmp/*

Command-line Args

You can pass values in from the command line to insert into your created file name or content. {{args.[0]}} is the first arg value, {{args.[1]}} the second etc.

    boil: {
      component: {
        create: [

this command:

$ grunt boil:component:components:Widget

will produce the output:

$ find tmp
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