

Skeleton project for jekyll projects


Skeleton project for jekyll projects

Getting up and running locally

You will need Ruby 1.9.3 installed on your machine. If your on OSX the best way to get ruby 1.9.3 installed is RVM.

$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable

$ rvm install 1.9.3

$ rvm use 1.9.3 --default

You will need to install bundler

$ gem install bundler

Install the gem dependencies. Inside the support-docs directory run.

$ bundle install

Start jekyll locally and watch for new changes.

$ jekyll server -w

Create a post using grunt

grunt post:"My awesome next post"

This will generate a new post file in the _posts directory.

Not down with Markdown? Use this guide to get the lowdown on Markdown syntax.

Jekyll missing some functionaility you need? Checkout the docs here to see if it's included by default.

Or checkout this list of plugins located at the bottom of this page.