

A blog I made using Jekyll, Github Pages, and Materialize.js

#Welcome to the Sqor Tech Blog!

##Visit The Blog

At Sqor, we take pride in what we do, and how we get it done. To put it another way, we are all about solutions. A huge component in making our product a success is utilizing all of the best technologies out there, and our sales and engineering teams have individually and collectively put together some great solutions to everyday problems. This will be a place for them to share some of their ideas with an audience that is interested in seeing how we have built our platform, as well as an opportunity to collaborate with others outside of our office. We are huge advocate for open source technologies, and we encourage anyone that is interested in helping to shape the future of Sqor to contact us.

As a contributor to this blog, first clone this repo. You'll then want to make sure that you follow this specific format for creating a new post:

1.) In the "_posts" folder, create a new file, and name it with the following format: "YYYY-MM-DD-title.markdown". Utilizing Jekyll's Blog Aware CMS, the content that you include in this markdown file will be automatically rendered according to a pre-set template. Jekyll

2.) At the very top of your new markdown file, you will need to include YAML Front Matter. This is information about the post that can be used across the rest of the website in reference to any given post. It also allows for a consistent way to showcase a particular authors' posts. Front Matter needs to be entered between two sets of three (3) dashes, like so: ---. Front Matter

3.) You will need to include a layout type within your Front Matter. At this time, the layout type that you should use is called "post". Example Post

4.) To include tags on a post, just include them with your Front Matter like the example above, separated by a comma, and within an array. These tags will be parsed for a search by common tags filter. Tags

5.) Be sure to use the exact same spelling and punctuation for your name as an author, as this will ensure that all of your specific posts will be identified as yours.

6.) If you'd like to include links, photos, pdfs, etc in your markdown file, here is a great reference tool for including such elements. MarkDown

7.) If you'd like to include a gravatar image, you'll need to have a gravatar account. Once that account is established and you've linked the photo of your choice, include the gravatar hash with the YAML Front Matter at the top of your post. If you don't want to use a gravatar photo, there is a default Sqor Sports image that will take it's place in the header of your post. Gravatar

8.) Disqus has been included in all posts as a means of commenting. Setting up an account with Disqus is very easy and will allow you to add comments anywhere Disqus is used. Disqus

After you have set up your markdown file the way that you want, just commit your changes and push and merge with master branch.