

Starter kit for Jekyll web sites using MaterializeCSS for the theme and Azure Application Insights for telemetry.

Jekyll with MaterializeCSS Starter

This repository contains the source code for a Jekyll site starter kit using MaterializeCSS for the theme. It includes in-built telemetry powered by Azure Application Insights.


This kit is optimised to work with a development environment running in a Docker container. To create the Docekr image run:

docker image build -t x-jekyll-starter -f dev.Dockerfile .

Run the following to start a container:

docker container run -it --rm -v /path/to/repo:/src -p 4000:4000 x-jekyll-starter bash

Once running a Jekyll server can be started from the Makefile:

make start


The site can be built for deployment from the Makefile. The output is saved to the dist directory:

make build

A Docker image of the site, based on NGINX, can be created from the Dockerfile:

docker image build -t x-site .