

ruby gem for converting yaml files to index.json and index.csv


This gem is created to be used with jekyll webpages. It will take a yaml file and build an index.csv file or an index.json file in the folder that you specify in _config.yml


Add the following to your gemfile

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll-json'

In your _config.yml add

- jekyll-json

and something like the following

  - destination: "foldername"
    origin: "_path_from_root/to_your_data.yml"
    csv: true
    json: true
    headers: [name, description, link_url, code_url, type, categories, status]
    filter-json: true

The headers are required if you're creating a csv file or if you set filter-json to true

For example: Given a yml file that looks like

- name: "Jack"
  country: "Australia"
  etc: "likes cake"
  pail: "empty"
- name: "Jill"
  country: "Oz"
  etc: "likes ice cream"
  pail: "full"

and set the headers to: [name,country, etc]

This will produce an index.csv file

name, country, etc
Jack, Australia, likes cake
Jill, Oz,likes ice cream

if filter-json is set to true, then it will produce an index.json file

    name: "Jack",
    country: "Australia",
    etc: "likes cake"
    name: "Jill",
    country: "Oz",
    etc: "likes ice cream"

if filter-json is set to false, then it will produce an index.json file

    name: "Jack",
    country: "Australia",
    etc: "likes cake",
    pail: "empty"
    name: "Jill",
    country: "Oz",
    etc: "likes ice cream",
    pail: "full"

Set csv and json to true or false depending on whether you want corrsponding file type generated.

run jekyll build to generate the files


Let me know if there are issues you're running into . This is a first release and there is still plenty of work to put in to make this less fragile. Fork the repo, make a pull request etc...