

This is a Jekyll starter kit based on Frasco that utilizes gulp, Sass, Autoprefixer, PostCSS, Webpack, imagemin, and Browsersync to speed-up development.

This starter is no longer used or maintained, but is being left up for reference.

CSIS Jekyll Starter Kit

This is a Jekyll starter kit based on Frasco that utilizes gulp, Sass, Autoprefixer, PostCSS, Webpack, imagemin, and Browsersync to speed-up development.

Table of Contents

Quick-start Instructions

$ git clone https://github.com/CSIS-iLab/csis-jekyll-starter.git
$ cd csis-jekyll-starter
$ npm install
$ npm start


Local Development

This will give you file watching, browser synchronisation, auto-rebuild, CSS injecting, etc.

$ npm start

Build for Production

This will set the JEKYLL_ENV to production and use the production config file(s) set in frasco.config.js to override default settings.

$ npm run build

See More Commands

This will display all available commands, such as running eslint or imagemin independently.

$ npm run


You can also use any of the default Jekyll commands listed in their docs.

What's Included

For more information on what is included and modifying the default configuration, see the What's Included guide.

Copyright © 2018 CSIS iDeas Lab under the MIT License.