

Solid Jekyll + Bootstrap 4 + FontAwesome 5

Setup TL;DR

Run the following command to install all dependencies and serve the website locally.

$ make

Development Notes

Managing Dependencies

All dependencies can be managed with three commands:

$ make install download and install all dependencies.
$ make static copy all of the static depencency files into the assets/vendor folder.
$ make update update all dependencies.

$ make clean wipe all dependency and generated _site files. $ make reinstall wipes all dependency, _site files and re-installs all dependencies.

These commands can be chained. To install, update, and copy all static files into the development folders, run:

$ make install update static

See Makefile for more details.

Ruby & Node Dependencies

Jekyll and it's related plugins are installed and maintained via rubygems bundle.
$ cat Gemfile | grep gem will display a list of ruby dependencies:

gem "jekyll", "~> 3.8.3"
  gem "jekyll-assets", "~> 3.0"

Development libraries are added and maintained via node using yarn.
$ yarn ls will display a list of node dependencies:
├── @fortawesome/[email protected]  
├── [email protected]  
├── [email protected]  
└── [email protected]