

Fork of JSONConfigurablePersonalSite converted to Jekyll

Jekyll Configurable Personal Site

Quick Start

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Edit _config.yml with your info
  3. Go to


git clone
cd JekyllConfigurablePersonalSite
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

the application will be running on http://localhost:4000


  • Ruby at least version 2.0.0
  • Bundler: gem install bundler

This project has been made compatible with Github Pages as is. This means that you can fork this repository, edit _config.yml (see below) and have it hosted directly on Github.

See Github Pages and Jekyll sites for more information.

Configuring your own site

To configure your own website after cloning this repo you will only need to work with one file:


This file will be where you will put what I would consider required information to make your personal site as 'complete' as possible.

Data stored in this file includes site title, site description, personal photograph (avatar), site background, description displayed on the home page, PDF link to your resume, list of shared links with icons, and list of projects along with the projects title.


In _config.yml there is a section called icons that looks like the following:

  - icon: page
    link: resume.html
    title: Resume
  - icon: social-twitter
  - icon: paw

In the code above we are specifying the icons that link to sites such as your Github, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. along with an icon that will be used for the respective link. Each entry in the icons array requires an icon value and a link value. Optionally, you can provide a title for the link.

Icons and icon names are consistent with the Foundation Icon Font which can be found here: Foundation Icons.

Links for our icons can either be relative links or absolute links.


Projects are similar to icons except that they have different attributes, the following is an example of projects:

  - name: Jekyll Configurable Site

Projects require a name and a link. Optionally, you can provide a title for the link.

Project names are what will be shown on your website. Links just like icons can be either relative or absolute.

These files is where you will specify links that will redirect when you go to certain paths in your site. By default the / path is your home page which will show your home page which will be populated with the info you have provided in your _config.yml file.

/resume is also taken up by default, this path will grab your resume PDF that you specified under the resumeFile attribute in _config.yml.

To setup one of these links, create a file in the root directory named (e.g) reddit.html with the following content:


You'll be able to go to http://.../reddit and it's going to be redirected to

This link will likely not work if you test it locally however it is supported by Github Pages. See extensionless Jekyll permalinks.



To update the site's favicon you will need to replace the favicon.ico file that is present in this directory (root).


For images such as your avatar, site background, etc. you can either use a URL for an image that is served somewhere else online or use a relative path just the following

avatar: /img/avatar.jpg
background: /img/background.jpg

You can also go to /img and replace the avatar.jpg and background.jpg files with the images you wish to use and leave the default URLs in place.


Have an idea to make this app better? Fork this repo and play around with it, make it better and if you think you have something worth sharing make a pull request.

This project is based on JSONConfigurablePersonalSite written by @christophior which has been adapted to Jekyll. The original project uses Node.js, Dust.js and .json files for configuration.