

A Jekyll, Pug, Sass, and Livereload HTML5 Boilerplate

J5 - A Jekyll, Pug, Sass, and Livereload HTML5 Boilerplate

How To Install:

  1. Clone this git repository into your project directory.
  2. In your terminal, change into your project directory.
  3. Type the command bundle install

How To Run

Type the command bundle exec jekyll serve or simply jekyll serve.

Sass Tip

If you include a _ in front of a filename (ex. _navBar.sass), Jekyll will not compile that file in your _site folder. As you can see normalize.css has an underscore before its filename, since it is not needed in the build, as it is already imported in the main sass file. I recommend prepending an underscore to all of your sass includes - but of course not your main sass file.

Jekyll Plugins Used

Final Notes

I hope this helps you increase productivity while coding!