

Simple resume template for Jekyll on Github Pages

Jekyll Resume Builder

A customizable, easy-to-use Jekyll-based resume template designed to generate a clean, modern resume with support for personal sections, links, ratings, and more. This template uses YAML for data management.


  • Customizable Sections: Define sections such as "Experience", "Education", "Skills", etc.
  • Rating System: Display skills or experiences with a 1-5 star rating, including half-stars.
  • Social Links: Include icons for social media and email.
  • Dynamic Theme: Set your theme colors directly through _config.yaml.
  • Font Awesome Icons: Use Font Awesome icons for your sections.



  1. Use the template or fork the repository

  2. Clone your copy:

    git clone
    cd jekyll-resume
  3. Install dependencies:

    bundle install
  4. Configure your resume:

    • Open the resume.yaml file and fill in your details (name, title, social links, etc.).
    • Add or modify sections in the sections key to fit your needs.
    • Customize the _config.yaml for theme colors, fonts, and other settings.
  5. Serve the site locally:

    bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4000 to see your resume.

Customizing the Resume

You can easily adjust the following sections:

  • Basic Info: Set your name, title, description, and avatar in resume.yaml.
  • Sections: Each section can have a title, icon, description, and list of items (e.g., jobs, skills, projects).
  • Social Links: Define social media accounts and links in the social array.
  • Rating: Add a rating (1-5) for specific items (e.g., skills, experience) using the rating key.

Example resume.yaml

name: John Doe
title: Software Developer
description: Passionate about building scalable applications and solving complex problems.
  enabled: true
  src: "/assets/john-doe.jpg"
email: "[email protected]"
  - url: ""
    icon: "fab fa-github"
  - url: ""
    icon: "fab fa-linkedin"
  - Experience:
      icon: "fas fa-briefcase"
        - title: "Software Engineer"
          company: "Tech Corp"
          subtitle: "January 2020 - Present"
          description: "Worked on building scalable cloud applications using microservices architecture."
          rating: 5
        - title: "Junior Developer"
          company: "Web Solutions"
          subtitle: "June 2018 - December 2019"
          description: "Assisted in developing web applications and maintaining client projects."
          rating: 4
  - Skills:
      icon: "fas fa-cogs"
        - title: "Programming Languages"
          description: "Python, Ruby, JavaScript"
          rating: 5
        - title: "Web Development"
          description: "HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React"
          rating: 4

Customizing the Theme

To customize the theme colors and fonts, modify the _config.yaml file. This project uses Tailwind CSS colors for defining theme colors.

  • Primary Color: Set primary_color to the color you want for headings, links, and icons (e.g., blue-500, green-600).
  • Secondary Color: Set secondary_color to adjust borders and secondary elements (e.g., gray-400, yellow-500).
  • Background Color: Set background_color to define the background color of the resume (e.g., white, gray-100).
  • Text Color: Set text_color to specify the default text color used across the resume (e.g., black, slate-700).
  • Font: Choose from a list of web-safe fonts to customize the overall look.

Example _config.yaml

    primary_color: blue-600
    secondary_color: gray-400
    background_color: white
    text_color: slate-800
    font: sans
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