

Visualize CSV data using Jekyll!

RRFSS Data Explorer

Host, edit, and visualize CSV data using Jekyll and Chartist.js.

This application uses the City of Philadelphia Community Health Explorer and the Web Experience Toolkit (WET-BOEW) as a framework. We appreciate the combined effort of the contributors to each of these projects. :clap: :smiley:

What is it?

The RRFSS Data Explorer is a tool that let’s you explore data on health behaviours, knowledge and attitudes among Durham Region residents. The data is collected using the Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS), which is a phone survey of adults age 18+ who live in Durham Region. RRFSS collects information on a variety of health topics such as tobacco and alcohol use, active transportation, screen time use, nutrition, flu immunization, public health inspections, awareness of Lyme disease, and much more. It is intended to provide an easy way to access and visualize all the information collected in the RRFSS survey. This tool allows you examine the RRFSS data by demographic information of the survey respondents, by their gender, age group, income level, education and municipality which they live in.

What are the features?

  • Responsive design adapts any size device (a challenge for many dashboard tools :weary:).
  • Version control allows for updates without having to re-upload anything. You can roll back too!
  • Secure access to the source from anywhere on the web.
  • Cost-efficient to operate, as the data and application are hosted on GitHub for free.
  • Accessible framework with the charting library chosen for its accessibility features.
  • Extensible template where features can be added or removed without the need for an administrator password!
  • Application free as there's nothing to download. There's no worrying about changes to terms of service or privacy policies!
  • Deep linking to each chart for easy sharing on social media and rich website analytics.
  • Fully open source for all to use and re-mix to suit their project.

How does data access and maintenance work?

  1. Sign up for a GitHub account
  2. Have yourself added to the DataUsers team to grant commit access to this repository
  3. Login to prose.io via your GitHub account and select this repository
  4. Navigate to the correct .csv file and make edits
  5. Click the Save icon
  6. Your changes will be committed and the application should be updated within minutes

Sounds cool! How do I get more information?

We welcome all discussion through the issues tracker of this repository.

In addition, you can reach us on Twitter @DurhamEpis.