Host, edit, and visualize CSV data using Jekyll and Chartist.js.
This application uses the City of Philadelphia Community Health Explorer and the Web Experience Toolkit (WET-BOEW) as a framework. We appreciate the combined effort of the contributors to each of these projects. :clap: :smiley:
The RRFSS Data Explorer is a tool that let’s you explore data on health behaviours, knowledge and attitudes among Durham Region residents. The data is collected using the Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS), which is a phone survey of adults age 18+ who live in Durham Region. RRFSS collects information on a variety of health topics such as tobacco and alcohol use, active transportation, screen time use, nutrition, flu immunization, public health inspections, awareness of Lyme disease, and much more. It is intended to provide an easy way to access and visualize all the information collected in the RRFSS survey. This tool allows you examine the RRFSS data by demographic information of the survey respondents, by their gender, age group, income level, education and municipality which they live in.
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In addition, you can reach us on Twitter @DurhamEpis.