

Common code for multilingual Jekyll sites


Common code for multilingual Jekyll sites


Guide that inspired this Thanks goes to @sylvaindurand.


  1. Add this repo as submodule to _includes;
  2. Make the following: _layouts/redirect.html, _includes/t.html, _includes/langbox.html;
  3. In all of those files put the following: {% include jekyll-trans/<filename>.html %} (replace <filename> ofc). This is to dance around GitHub pages' symlink limitations;
  4. Create folders named after languages you have, put index.html referencing your normal layout. In root index.html reference a redirect layout;
  5. Use as {% include t.html s='translation_string_id' %}
  6. Include lang = {{ page.lang }} in your <html> tag
  7. Put default lang variables over paths, i.e.: ```YAML defaults:
  • scope: path: uk values: lang: uk
  • scope: path: en values: lang: en ```
  1. Define translation strings as:
     lang:          'English'
     key:           'value'
     key2:          'value2'
  2. Key lang is assumed to be the language's name in itself, for the purposes of the language selection UI.
  3. For UI JavaScript include langbox_js.html from somewhere relevant, e.g. {% include jekyll-trans/langbox_js.html %} from your scripts.html include.
  4. Provide the EU cookie directive translations at: t.lang.cookie_banner.


  • blog setup i.e. links to page's translation
  • make cookie thing optional