

Twemoji Awesome plugin for Jekyll

This is a Jekyll plugin for Twitter Emoji. It is based heavily* on the work of


in the case of the css file that reference the required assets;



in the case of the Jekyll source.

You can find the css file here.

Just place it in your css directory;

add a line like

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/css/twemoji-awesome.css" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">

and you should be good to go.

Install: Place in the _plugins directory.


{% twa twa-heart %}

It will work with any formatting from the third column on the demo page for Twemoji Awesome.

See notes there and use the Emoji Cheatsheet for names.

Working example:

*read: essentially lifted.

Compatibility notes:

Works under the 3.0.0 dev version recently released with "gem 'jekyll'" in the gemfile.

Likely works under 2.4.0 as well. Can't say for any other version. I never got 2.5.3 to work right.