A Simple API Doc with YAML powered by Jekyll
Demopage: https://2020swchallenge-moai.github.io/docs
.gem "jekyll-hk-api-doc"
$ bundle install
$ gem install jekyll-hk-api-doc
. Keys listed below are used by jekyll-hk-api-doc
theme.theme: jekyll-hk-api-doc
assets: /assets
data_dir: _api
collections_dir: documents
output: true
permalink: /:name
- scope:
path: ""
type: "api_book_page"
layout: "api"
title: [Your Jekyll site's title]
description: [Your Jekyll site's description]
baseurl: [Your Jekyll site's base url. If base url not exists, it should be ""(empty string)]
author: [Author's name]
email: [Author's email]
api_baseurl: [API baseurl. This will be prepended on every API's url.]
version: [API version]
, assets/api/examples/
: Directory where yaml files will be storedassets/api/examples/
: Directory where the response examples(in json) of apis's will be stored_api/
. Available keys for yaml is listed below:name: [Name of the API sets]
description: [Description of the API sets]
baseurl: [base_url will be prepended to all APIs in the set.]
- name: [Name of the API]
url: [URL of the API. The full URL will be (api_baseurl at _config.yml) + (baseurl at yaml) + (url).]
method: [Request method. Available values are "get", "post", "put", "delete", "patch", "head", "options".]
description: [Description of the API]
body: [Type of parameters. Available values are "header", "path", "query", "body".]
- name: [Name of the parameter]
is_required: [Available values are "true", "false". If "true", "required" tag will be displayed for the parameter. If "false", "optional" will be displayed for the parameter.]
type: [Type of the parameter]
description: [Description of the parameter]
- status_code: [Http response code. If "200", "Success" will be displayed.]
description: [Description of the response]
example: [Response example. For design purpose, I seperate yaml and example(examples are loaded via ajax, and highlight.js is applied to them). You only have to write the name of the json file in assets/api/examples/ directory(without the extension .json)]
- status_code: [Http response code. If "400", "Bad Request" will be displayed. If "401", "Unauthorized" will be displayed. If "403", "Forbidden" will be displayed. If "404", "Not Found" will be displayed.]
description: [Description of the response]
example: [Response example. For design purpose, I seperate yaml and example(examples are loaded via ajax, and highlight.js is applied to them). You only have to write the name of the json file in assets/api/examples/ directory(without the extension .json)]
# Example
name: Auth
description: APIs for authentication
base_url: /api/auth
- name: Sign In
url: /signin
method: post
description: |
Issue <code>access token</code> and <code>refresh token</code>
* <code>access token</code>s will be expired 10 minutes after they are issued.
* <code>refresh token</code>s will be expired 2 weeks after they are issued.
- name: id
is_required: true
type: string
description: ID
- name: pw
is_required: true
type: string
description: (plain) password
- status_code: 200
example: auth-signin-200
- status_code: 400
description: |
- Either one of <code>id</code> or <code>pw</code> is not included in the request.
- <code>id</code> is not registered.
- <code>id</code> and <code>pw</code> are not matching.
corresponding to yaml files in _api
.import os
yaml_path = "_api"
html_path = "documents/_api_book_page"
if not os.path.exists(yaml_path):
if not os.path.exists(html_path):
for html in os.listdir(html_path):
os.remove(os.path.join(html_path, html))
yamls = sorted([os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in os.listdir(yaml_path) if x.endswith(".yaml")])
for i, yaml in enumerate(yamls):
with open(os.path.join(html_path, f"{yaml}.html"), "w") as html:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/HeekangPark/jekyll-hk-api-doc.
The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Accidently commited. Currently yanked.
First version.
, <ol>
) in description keys<p>