

A simple tag plugin for jekyll generating GalleryView picture galleries based on a folder with pictures.


A simple tag plug-in for jekyll generating GalleryView picture galleries based on a folder with pictures. Examples running this gallery plug-in can be found on


  1. Setup your site to run GalleryView photo galleries. Get the source from github and add all needed JavaScript and stylesheets to your site.
  • Place galleryview_tag.rb into your jekyll _plugins folder.

  • By default the folder ./images/gallery/ is used to find your galleries. If you want to change this value update the global variable GALLERIES_FOLDER at the top of galleryview_tag.rb.

  • Now you can place several folders to the GALLERIES_FOLDER of your site. Each folder represents a single gallery and should only contain images. Place {% gallery_view FOLDER_NAME %} in your site to display all images from GALLERIES_FOLDER/FOLDER_NAME.

  • GalleryView has a variety of options. Change them in conifg(). At the moment these settings are globally used for each gallery.

#License MIT. See LICENSE.txt for details.

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