

hysterical-hammer is tool for optimize code media in "Jekyll Blog", "Ghost Blog" and "Static Site" and many more.


hysterical-hammer is tool for optimize (html, css, js) code and (png, jpg, gif, svg) media in "Jekyll Blog", "Ghost Blog" or any "Static Site" and many more.

USED: xxhash (for FIC) css_html_js_minify (for css ,html ,js) pillow rarfile library from piopt (for raster)

mozjpeg / libjpeg-turbo (jpeg enocoder) jpegtran / jpegrescan / jpegoptim (enocoding tool) gifscale/Gfycat (for GIF) optipng / advpng / pngout (for png)

##Under Contruction

instlation of jpegoptim git clone https://github.com/tjko/jpegoptim.git cd jpegoptim.git ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mozjpeg/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/mozjpeg/lib make sudo make install

svgcleaner [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <in-file> <out-file>

 can contain values: true, false, yes, no, y, n

EXAMPLES: clean a file with default options: svgcleaner in.svg out.svg

clean a file with custom options:
svgcleaner --indent=2 --paths-coordinates-precision=5 --join-arcto-flags=yes in.svg out.svg

clean a file without default options:
svgcleaner --no-defaults --remove-comments=yes in.svg out.svg

clean a stream using UNIX pipes:
cat in.svg | svgcleaner -c - > out.svg

svgcleaner madara2.svg madara1.svg --remove-comments --remove-declarations --remove-nonsvg-elements --remove-unused-defs --convert-shapes --remove-title --remove-desc --remove-metadata --remove-dupl-lineargradient --remove-dupl-radialgradient --remove-dupl-fegaussianblur --ungroup-groups --ungroup-defs --remove-invalid-stops --remove-version --remove-nonsvg-attributes --remove-text-attributes --remove-unused-coordinates --remove-default-attributes --remove-xmlns-xlink-attribute --remove-needless-attributes --paths-to-relative --remove-unused-segments --convert-segments --apply-transform-to-paths --trim-paths --join-arcto-flags --remove-dupl-cmd-in-paths --use-implicit-cmds --simplify-transforms

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