

This is a barebones template for Jekyll using Filament Group's LoadJS and LoadCSS so you can get fast loading site.

Jekyll Template

This is a barebones template for Jekyll using Filament Group's LoadJS and LoadCSS so you can get fast loading site.

I've built this using recommendations from google page speed insights.

It includes jekyll-livereload for easy development.

Here is a version that includes Bootsrap 4 CSS and JS

If you haven't set up Jekyll yet follow these instructions.

Set up

  • Run bundle
  • Run jekyll serve

That's it.

Adding JS and CSS


To load additional css files use...

<link rel='preload' href='/path/to/stylesheet.css' as='style' onload='this.rel="stylesheet"'> <noscript><link rel='stylesheet' href='/path/to/stylesheet.css'></noscript>

as per LoadCSS.

For custom styles, place all sass files in assets/_sass and use @import 'filename' with no extension in the assets/css/main.scss


For adding JS files see the instructions in assets/js/loader.js. It is designed to load files asynchronous and prevent render blocking.


I like to put any important styles in the _inludes/prority-css.html file. This is mostly to prevent flashes of un-styled content.

Use Favicon Generator to generate your own favicon. Replace all the files in the root folder with the ones it generates for you. The theme colour can be changed in the _includes/head.html file.

Props and Thanks to...