

A work in progress Jekyll Theme, usable, but prone to breaking changes.

Simple-Resume, a Jekyll Theme

A first take at making a Jekyll theme.

To develop this theme

Windows 10

There are many ways to get your development environment up to snuff... I use a combination of PowerShell, and the Linux Subsystem:

Step 1: Enable WSL

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

Step 2: Install your flavor of Linux, I chose Ubuntu

Step 3: Install the tools (I may rewrite this to use Snap instead of apt)

First, run

sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev git


echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc


gem install jekyll bundler github-pages

To Run

As there are some issues running Jekyll on Windows (at the time of writing), I use the following command:

bundle exec jekyll _3.8.6_ serve --no-watch --trace --incremental

Additionally, I have found that periodically cleaning helps...

bundle exec jekyll clean

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