

Jekyll Project Strucutre with Gulp, Sass, Jade, gallery generator, + More


Jekyll Project Strucutre with Gulp, Sass, Jade, gallery generator, + More

Project Structure

├── _data
├── _includes
|  ├── jade
|  ├── head.jade
|  ├── header.jade
|  ├── footer.jade
|  ├── landing_page.jade
|  └── share.jade // addToAny share buttons
├── _layouts
|  ├── default.html
|  ├── gallery_index.html
|  ├── gallery-pages.html
|  └── posts.html
├── _posts
├── _site
├── assets
|  ├── _img
|  ├── _js
|  |  └── functions.js
|  ├── _sass
|  |  ├── 1-tools
|  |  |  ├── bourbon
|  |  |  ├── _fonts.scss
|  |  |  ├── _normalize.scss
|  |  |  ├── vars.sass
|  |  |  ├── animation.sass
|  |  |  └── swiper.sass (Swiper 3.2.7)
|  |  ├── 2-basics
|  |  |  └── ...
|  |  ├── 3-modules
|  |  |  └── ...
|  |  ├── 4-gallery
|  |  |  ├── gallery-index.sass
|  |  |  └── gallery-page.sass
|  |  └── 5-jekyll-defaults
|  |    ├── _base.scss
|  |    ├── _layout.scss
|  |    └── _syntax-heighlight.scss  
|  |  
|  ├── *Compiled CSS, img, js*
|  ├── css
|  |   ├── main.css
|  |   └── main.sass // will not get compiled into _site folder(_config.yml exclude)
|  ├── img
|  └── js
├── gallery // directory where to place imgs for gallery creation
├── gulpfile.js
├── index.html
└── package.json_

\ This Project is structures so that it is easier for me (and almost anyone) to be able to create a new jekyll project with lots of different tools and addons that can be included into it.


In order to use this project, download it and change the name custom-jekyll-project-structure to your new project name.

Download all dependencies bu opening cmd/ terminal and running the following command.

'npm install --save-dev'

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