

Kastner Research Group Jekyll Website


Kastner Research Group Jekyll Website

Developer Get Started

  1. Follow the instructions at to install the Jekyll generator on your machine.
  2. Run bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload in this repository root to deploy a live server to http://localhost:4000

Adding Publications

  1. Open _bibliography/publications.bib in JabRef.
  2. Add the new publication using the correct classification
    1. Books should use @Book
    2. PhD theses should @PhdThesis with type set to PhD Thesis
    3. MS theses should use @MastersThesis with type set to MS Thesis
    4. Patents should use @Patent with number set to the full US Patent number (e.g. US0123456789)
    5. Book chapters should use @InBook
    6. Conference papers should use @InProceedings
    7. Journal articles should use @Article
  3. Commit the updated .bib file and push to main