

A Docker image for generating a static website with Jekyll. Asset compilation is handled by gulp, so you can create a much more flexible build system!


A Docker image for generating a static website with Jekyll and have asset compilation completed by Gulp.


To create a Docker image from a Dockerfile, simply run the following command: docker build -t keepaliveit/jekyll-gulp-docker .

To version a build of the Docker image, run the following command: docker build -t keepaliveit/jekyll-gulp-docker:1.0.2 -t keepaliveit/jekyll-gulp-docker:latest .

Due to requiring the parent content in Docker, the following command will need to be run from the root of the project. docker build -t joel/gulp ./jekyll-gulp-docker -f jekyll-gulp-docker/Dockerfile

To run a Container instance of the Image created, run the following command: docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/srv -w="/srv/src/resource" -p 3000:3000 joel/gulp npm run serve:rebuild

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