

A Jekyll site template for RPG management and worldbuilding

RPG Jekyll

This is a Jekyll template aimed at RPG campaign management and world building. It comes with custom collections and basic web layout to access all types of contents you could need for your RPG campaing, like characters, locations or items.


Requires Jekyll to be installed in your system. You can build your site use jekyll build and upload the generated webpage inside the _site folder to whatever web hosting you want to use.

If you want to edit your content and see it update realtime, start a local server with bundle exec jekyll serve and navitage to in your web browser. Refresh the page anytime you make a change to one of your files to see the final result.


Default collections are defined for you, such as Stories, Characters and Locations. If you want to define custom collections for your campaign, edit _config.yml and add a collection in the collections section. To populate your new collection, create a new folder with the name of the collection with an _ prefix and create new .md or .html files inside.

The new collection will automatically appear in the top navigation bar, and clicking on that will link to a page with the correct permalink setup for that collection (take a look at the YAML front matter of other index.html files in the default collections).


When building your site RPG Jekyll will analise your articles in search for possible links to other articles. If a text matches the title of any other article, it will be converted to a link to that article automatically. There is no need to use [] so you can focus on writting instead of linking.



  • Updated to Jekyll 4.