

Jekyll-bootstrap4 is the bootstrap 4 base theme for Jekyll.


Dockerized Jekyll skeleton with integrated Bootstrap v4.0 Jumbotron template to quickly generate new sites.


  1. Clone the repo and cd into it.
  2. Launch the container: docker-compose up
  3. Voila! View your site in a web browser: localhost:4000
  4. Make changes to your code to see a live preview.


Template Structure

The default.html layout is essentially the HTML5 Boilerplate. A layout based on the Bootstrap 4 Jumbotron template is included in which uses the default layout, and serves as the sites landing page. Additional pages (such as use the page.html layout to place content into the default layout without the Jumbotron structure. The blog.html layout lists all available posts as links (as per a typical blog), whilst each blog post uses the post.html layout.

{% include gridpost.html %}

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