

An open cloud for development in the ARMv8 server ecosystem (static Jekyll website files)

Linaro Developer Cloud Website

This is the git repository for the static Jekyll-based website.

Hosted in this repo are the markdown content files associated with the website. Feel free to submit a PR / Issue if there is anything you would like to change.

This static Jekyll site is using the jumbo-jekyll-theme. Please take a moment to review the guides on the theme's GitHub wiki.


To make it easier to contribute to the content, Linaro provides a couple of Docker containers for building and checking the site. All you need is Docker installed on your computer and enough RAM and disc space.

To build the site:

cd <git repository directory>

To build the site and then serve it so that you can check your contribution appears:

cd <git repository directory>

To check that your contribution doesn't include any broken links:

cd <built web site directory>

The built web site directory will be

For more information, please see the build container wiki and the link checker wiki.

Adding Redirects to the Static site

We are using Edge-rewrite which is a rewrite engine running in Lambda@Edge. The redirects are to be added to the _data/routingrules.json file in the webiste repository following the syntax rules here.

^/oldpath/(\\d*)/(.*)$ /newpath/$2/$1 [L]
!^/oldpath.*$ [R=302,L,NC]
^/topsecret.*$ [F,L]
^/deadlink.*$ [G]
^/foo$ /bar [H=^baz\.com$]

Note: These redirects are currently not respected by the link checker until built. So if trying to fix broken links by adding redirects then this may not be the best way to go about it currently.