

Introduction to Blogging with Jekyll workshop notes for Codeland Conf 2018.

Introduction to creating a blog with Jekyll

Created by Monica Powell for #CodeNewbie's Codeland 2018 at Microsoft NYC.

Workshop Overview

Workshop Goal:

The goal is for all attendees to learn the basics of publishing and modifying a static blog and publish a blog (that can host their technical writing) for free on GitHub.. Attendees should walk away comfortable modifying Jekyll files to better fit their needs (i.e., adding pages, adding blog posts, creating and displaying custom data types (i.e., multiple authors and including social icons for each author on each post).

Tools: Laptop, a GitHub account and sudo/admin access on command line.

What will attendees make? Attendees should walk away from the workshop with a working static blog generated by Jekyll. The blog will be live and published on GitHub pages where they can continue to develop their blog.

Some of the topics covered are:

  • Static vs. Dynamic Sites
  • Installing Jekyll
  • Jekyll Project Structure
  • Editing Sitewide Variables
  • Creating a Post
  • Adding images
  • Adding Custom Overlay Colors

Resources Used

TODO: For the more advanced, customization parts I plan on incorporating instructions that I wrote about adding author bios in Jekyll projects and create additional content as necessary to cover the following topics.