

This happened when I recovered my old WordPress posts

What this is

This simple python programs converts WordPress posts to a format that Jekyll's feed system can understand.

I recovered my old blog posts from my old WordPress-Blog that way.


  1. Spin up a docker-container with a copy of your WordPress-database.

For me this ment recovering some old backups, mounting those into a mariadb-container, then creating a database-dump that could then be fed into a working mariadb-container.

The docker run command for future reference: (I already had a database-dump at /tmp/wordpress-rescue/mariadb )

docker run --name mariadb-wp -p -v /tmp/wordpress-rescue/mariadb/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersicherespasswort -e MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=% -d mariadb:11

It will probably be easier if you already have a running database.

  1. Create and launch the python-venv with requirements.txt (please just google for instructions)

  2. Connect to a database (locally or not) by setting the MARIADB_CONNSTR to a valid connection string.

env MARIADB_CONNSTR='mariadb+mariadbconnector://USERNAME:[email protected]:30306/wordpress' python3 wp-jekyll.py 
  1. Voila! Your published blog posts will appear in a subdirectory called output/. (Need to create if doesn't exist)

Please alter this to suit your needs.