

A Liquid tag for Jekyll sites that allows easy creation of image galleries.


A Liquid tag for Jekyll sites that allows easy creation of wikpedia-style image galleries.

How To Install

  1. Copy gallery_tag.rb into <your-jekyll-site>/_plugins.
  2. Add the styles from style.css to your stylesheets.

How To use

Place a gallery tag in your content file, e.g.:

{% gallery columns="2" %}
    ../images/2013/10/bash-vs-zsh-cd.png    "Bash vs zsh: cd command completion"
    ../images/2013/10/bash-vs-zsh-git.png   "Bash vs zsh: Git prompt indicator"
    ../images/2013/10/bash-vs-zsh-spelling-correction.png   "Bash vs zsh: Spelling correction"
    ../images/2013/10/bash-vs-zsh-time.png  "Bash vs zsh: time command"
{% endgallery %}

If you don't specify columns, it will float to the maximum number of columns that the current screen can display.



Version 1.0, 2014-01-06: Initial commit.


This code is licensed under MIT License.

What does this mean?

  • You may use it if you like
  • Don't blame me when thinks don't work (though you can file an issue)
  • Please don't remove the link in the comments of caption_tag.rb. This might help others to find this plugin