

Angular Blog boilerplate using Gulp, Bower, Browserify and Jekyll.


Angular Blog boilerplate using Gulp, Bower, Browserify and Jekyll.


The integration between Angular and Jekyll was done by initializing the angular root scope with an array of post objects through ngInit directive.

The downside of this approach is that if a change to the index.html itself needs to be done, the index.html file that should be changed is the one inside the jekyll folder, which might seem to feel unnatural if you have ever worked with an AngularJS project.


To create this boilerplate I used another boilerplate project as a reference, which can be accessed through this link.

Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have node.js installed;
  2. Clone the repo;
  3. Install the global requirements: npm install -g gulp bower browserify;
  4. Install the local requirements: npm install;
  5. Install the Bower components: bower install;
  6. Install the Jekyll: sudo gem install jekyll;
  7. Install the markdown language: sudo gem install rdiscount
  8. Run locally with gulp and access it through http://localhost:5000/;
  9. Create a build: gulp build and preview it through http://localhost:9999/.


If you want to clean both dist and dev folders you can run: gulp clean


Any new post should be created inside the jekyll directory under post/_posts using Jekyll/Liquid convetions. For more info this link covers most of it.