

Sandbox Jekyll for testing various vertical writing scenarios.

Vertical Writing Sandbox

We want to see what is possible with web typography and vertical text/writing. Vertical only and vertical/horizontal mixed. CSS only solutions are prefered but some demos might also include javascript.

Demos / Testing

How to add demos

  1. Create new post file in _posts named yyyy-mm-dd-demoname.html
    1. Make sure to add title, layout & stylesheet to the frontmatter of this page
    2. stylesheet has to be the same name as the stylesheet name that will be created in step 2 (without .scss)
  2. Create scss file for new demo in assets/stylesheets/scss named demoname.scss
    1. This stylesheet should include a class named .demoname wrapping everything else in it (.demoname will be appended as a body class)
  3. Import this new scss file into main assets/stylesheets/application.scss file

If you followed these steps correctly, the newly created demo should be linked automatically on out index page.
