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Academic Portfolio

HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript, responsive, and minimalistic template for academic portfolios (made from scratch, taking in consideration some details from Beautiful Jekyll templates).

You can find the LIVE Website here.

Reach me @ [email protected].

How To Use This Template

  1. Fork this repository here.
  2. Go to the settings of your forked repository and rename it to
  3. Create a new branch called gh-pages.
  4. Go to the settings of your repository and enable GitHub Pages.
  5. Select the gh-pages branch as the source.
  6. Consider giving this repository a star if you liked it 🀍.


ΒΏWant to add multi-language support? It's easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Add your language to the assets/js/languages.json file, according to ISO 3166 alpha-2 standard. For example, for english and spanish:

    "en": {
      "flag": ""
    "es": {
      "flag": ""
  2. Add the class language to each <tag> you would like to translate, and include the data- attribute with the translation. For example, for a greeting in english and spanish:

    <tag class="language" data-en="Hello" data-es="Hola">
      <!-- You can leave this empty -->
  3. Enjoy your multi-language portfolio! 🌍


Feel free to contribute to this project. You can do so by forking the project and submitting a pull request. Find a list of issues/TODOs in the issues tab. Suggestions or feedback are well received.

License Β© 2023 by Nicolas Meseguer is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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