

Jekyll site boilerplate including Bootstrap 3 and jQuery.

Jekyll Bootstrap

Jekyll Bootstrap is a starting point to develop a Jekyll site which comes with Bootstrap 3 and jQuery. it was created as help material for my blog post on Hosting Jekyll sites on GitHub.

Quick start

Download, or clone the repository and run it in you local machine.

# clone the repository
$ git clone

# run jekyll
$ cd Jekill-Bootstrap
$ jekyll serve

Jekyll Bootstrap will be available at http://localhost:4000.

Uploading the site to GitHub

Decide whether you want to create a Project Page or a User/organization page.

Project page

Within your project's repository, create a branch called: gh-pages and place the content of the base site there, after that, upload that branch to GitHub.

# create the gh-pages branch
$ git checkout -b gh-pages

# paste the base site files, commit and push
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add Jekyll Bootstrap files."
$ git push origin gh-pages

After this, you should be able to access the page at It may take up to 10 minutes to be available.

User/Organization page

Create a new repository called:, place the content of the base site in it and push it to GitHub.

# within the clone of your repository
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Add Jekyll Bootstrap files."
$ git push origin master

Contrary to Project Pages, User/Organization pages are available at


Everyone is welcome to contribute. Fell free to report a bug, request a feature or send a pull request.

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