

jekyll-remote-plantuml plugin to include plantuml diagram in jekyll website


A plugin for jekyll to use plantuml diagram inside your Jekyll for you website. This will use external resource to build plantuml diagram. Once created, the diagram is store on the filesystem to prevent any unnecessary diagram generation. So, using this plugin, provide a simple way to integrate plantuml diagramm without the Graphiz software or the using the plantuml jar file.


To install this plugin on Jekyll, you just have to follow the guideline of Jekyll documentation


To use the jekyll-remote-plantuml plugin, you just have to wrap you text between {% uml %} and {% enduml %} tags.

For example, to create a basic shema between Bob and Alice, you can write the following code :

{% uml %}
Bob -> Alice : Hello 
{% enduml %}

This will retrieve the binary from a remote provider and add it into the folder defined in your configuration.

The generated html will have be something like :

<img src="/assets/images/plantuml/765f88ab868d9706e797ff2c90c67a549a144c52adf0bf2e247d355cf981b9aa.png" />

Any update of the uml will regenerated the image file using the remote. If the uml is not modified, no request will be made on the remote provider.


For now, the configuration is really poor. You can just change the remote provider and the location where are store the binary files.

  url:     '{code}'
  assets:  '_images/plantuml/'


I'm sorry if it's sad code for a ruby developper which I'm not. I tried to do my best and to share it with the community. So please be lenient.

If you have any request, please leave a message and don't hesitate for any pull request.


This plugin is under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file for more details.

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