

Super simple web builder using markdown, html and ejs templates. Perfect for resumes or Github pages. An alternative to jekyll.



Build websites like it's 2004. Create super simple web pages using Markdown and/or HTML. Comes with templating via ejs. Built with node and typescript, it's perfect for github pages or simple resume sites!

This is pretty bare-bones and does yet not include:

  • typescript support
  • CSS preprocessing

So keep it simple! Or expand this! You can use Javascript directly in .ejs files. You can also dig into the build.ts and hijack the copyDir to add any preprocess stuff. Hack away šŸ¤“!!


Check out these cool pages built with just Markdown and some html.


Set some simple configs to tweak footer links and set the index page. This is completely customizable as this data get injected into .ejs and can be accessed using <% key %> to render value.

  "name": string, // Site name - Appears in page title
  "root": string // Root folder to serve on
  "links": [ // Array of link objects for footer
      "name": string, // link name
      "href": string, // link href


npm run build - build .ejs templates and markdown (.md) and .html files from pages/ directory into the docs/ or whichever root directory, It will also copy over all files in static/ directory.

You can change the root directory in config.json > root. If you do not want a specific directory to build to, you can change root to ".". It will compile to your project root. It will not copy over all files in static/ directory, nor styles.


npm run dev - runs npm run build and serves on localhost:8080 via http-server


npm run clean - cleans out example files for a fresh start.



Markdown and HTML files go here. Use 01_ prefix for indexing and _ for spacing. If this convention is not followed, the build will break! Don't worry, we strip the numbers out on build.

šŸ“‚ pages
 L  01_welcome.md
 L  02_what_we_offer.md
 L  03_about_us.html


You can also nest one level in a directory with the same numbered prefix naming.

Important Nested directories can only exist after an index file 01_<name>.html or 01_<name>.md. This makes it easier to handle index pages.

Consider the following:

šŸ“‚ pages
 L 01_welcome.md
 L šŸ“‚ 02_what_we_offer
    L 01_products.html
    L 02_services.md
 L 03_about_us.html


Static images and files go here. This can include anything, we just copy over the directory on build. Link using /static/<filename>.


CSS files go here. This is also just copied so be sure to add your own preprocessor if needed.


Add .ejs templates here. See EJS Docs for more info on how to use this robust templating language.

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