

A Jekyll template for documenting projects easily via the web browser

What is dis?

Just try it out and find for youself.

How this works is simply by putting together Jekyll and the Github infrastructure to provide a platform to start documenting easily and fast.

The big points are these:

  • Edit pages on the browser - edit and add pages directly from the browser
  • No boilerplate - every page is simple markdown with nothing more
  • Github technologies - that means free and without learning curve
  • Backup - Since the documentation is a git project, if you make a mistake you can always go back

Start documenting

You can make a new project to just hold your documentation or you can use an already project to have its documentation on the side.

  1. Make a branch gh-pages in your project
  2. Copy the files from this project in there
  3. Go to


The only needed configuration are some variables in _config mostly to fix paths.