

A minimal Jekyll theme inspired by Cayman


This is a minimal Cayman alteration, with a bit more config, and made for jekyll. It natively includes Open Graph, Twitter cards, and OS Protocol metatags. The CSS colors avoid the flashy Cayman colors in favor of something a bit more subtle.

Partly based on jekyll-cayman-theme, too.


git clone


Edit the _config.yml file according to your own specifications. Also edit the to display your own content.

Compressing images

Put any uncompressed images into src/img. Then, run gulp: this will compress them and make them better for the web, and copy them to assets/img.

If gulp doesn't work, run: npm install.


You'll need to replace this, and the logo, with your own images.

Checklist for repurposing theme:

  • Edit _config.yml.
  • Edit
  • Replace logo with your own logo.
    • Remove old logo entirely, from src/ and assets.
  • Replace favicon with your own favicon.
  • Edit package.json if you plan on using semver to save and deploy website.
  • Remove or edit CNAME.
  • Deploy!
  • Edit this README to reflect current website.


Please do! Check out the issues, or open a PR.

Note that this README follows the Standard-Readme protocol.


MIT © Richard Littauer

Logo adapted from Wikipedia, under CC-BY-SA 3.0 License

jekyll logo

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