

This is a satiric repository which has been made to mimic Jekyll (even using assets from Jekyll's Minima theme) but instead of being written in Ruby, it has been written in NodeJS.

Jekyll.JS (Blog-aware Static Site Generator in NodeJS)

This is a satiric repository which has been made to mimic Jekyll (even using assets from Jekyll's Minima theme) but instead of being written in Ruby, it has been written in NodeJS.

Currently you can only alter the _config.js file and add files to the _posts folder to be generated, but there may be more features to come (or feel free to submit PR's).


If you want to deploy this yourself to a live/free server so it is online, I would recomend using Netlify), from there (once you have made your changes) there are only two settings you need to set (after selecting the repo and your branch):

  • Build Command: node script.js
  • Publish Directory: _site

Currently all social media names below will have icons to represent them, in this example twitter and github have been used:

dribbble, facebook, flickr, github, googleplus, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, rss, stackoverflow, twitter, youtube and mastodon.

jekyll logo

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