

A simple search function for static blog websites like Jekyll.


A small library that does searching in your static blog contents. In theory should work with any blog generator like Jekyll and Hexo as long as it generates data for all of your blog posts.

This is motivated by hexo-theme-freemind, and Simple-Jekyll-Search. The hexo one is just too buggy and lacks features I want, so I end up rewriting it to fit my needs. The codes currently are very simple and don't support as many features as Simple-Jekyll-Search, so I think the best thing to do is to have Simple-Jekyll-Search integrate the functionalities that are useful.


  • Custom data processing function to make it work with any static blog generator
  • Search in post contents and title
  • Highlight matched contents
  • Regex support
  • Skip math sections


npm install simpleblogsearch


See my own blog.


Add the following script to your html file (change parameters accordingly):

   searchDataPath: '{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/search_data.json',
   dataType: 'json',
   processDataFunc: function(data){ return data },
   searchInputID: 'search_box',
   resultsDivID: 'search_results',
   resultULClass: 'content-ul search-ul content-side',
   highlightKeywordClass: 'search_keyword',
   limit: 4,


See my own theme as an example.