

A Gemfile containing the latest Github Pages dependencies. A handy tool when running Github Pages locally for testing.


A Gemfile containing the latest Github Pages dependencies. A handy tool when running Github Pages locally for testing.

How to use

To use this Gemfile, just download it into the /src directory of your GitHub Pages project. Then you can use your favourite Gem manager to install the gems.

Which version of GitHub Pages is this for?

The supported version of GitHub Pages will always be marked in the latest commit.

The initial version of this Gemfile is for Jekyll 3.8.5 and GitHub Pages 204.

Where do these values come from?

These values come from the Dependency Versions | GitHub Pages documentation.

What if I get errors showing a newer Gem version than is shown in this list?

You'll need to use gem uninstall [gem-name] to uninstall versions that are newer than those listed here, as they can cause issues with Jekyll loading.

Installing GitHub Pages for local development

Install on macOS Install on Windows
1) Install Homebrew 1) Install RubyInstall for Windows
2) Use Homebrew to install rbenv or RVM 2) Use RubyInstaller to install Ruby 2.5.3
3) Use rbenv or RBM to install Ruby 2.5.3 3) Install Ruby Bundler
4) Set your Ruby version to 2.5.3 4) Set your Ruby version to 2.5.3
5) Install Bundler 5) Install "tzinfo-data" Gem
6) Run cd [blog-name] to create folder for Jekyll 6) Run cd [blog-name] to create folder for Jekyll
7) Download this repo's GEMFILE to the Jekyll directory 7) Download this repo's GEMFILE to the Jekyll directory
8) Run bundler update to install required Gems 8) Run bundler update to install required Gems
9) Run bundle exec jekyll new to create the new JEkyll blog 9) Run bundle exec jekyll new to create the new JEkyll blog
10) Run bundle exec jekyll s -w --host to serve an auto-regenerating version of your Jekyll blog to on your own machine, or your machines' IP address on any machine on your network. 10) Run bundle exec jekyll s -w --host to serve an auto-regenerating version of your Jekyll blog to on your own machine, or your machines' IP address on any machine on your network.