

A simple PHP development framework that works similariy to Jekyll


A simple PHP development framework that works similariy to Jekyll

Start your server and navigate to the url /dbCreate.php to add in mysql database information

How to use

Create pages in the database in the URLS table

  • URL = the page url you want users to navigate to
  • REFERENCE_URL = another url you want users to nagatage to the page
  • REDIRECT_URL = a url that you want the users to be redirected to if they try to access either the URL or REFERENCE_URL
  • FILE = a file located in the Pages directory to use instead of just a default page template with the title and content

If the FILE field is not filled out, the program will try to access the data for that pages name in the CONTENT table.

  • NAME = the name of the page
  • CONTENT = The content of that page name

You will be able to access the data by typing in:

EX1 adding the content for the about page

//contentExists() will parse for the data so if the content data is not used in the page, it will not try to load it
    echo excerpt($site->content["about"]);

You reference any page data from any page.

You can also declare data as JSON in the SITE table.

  • CONFIG = JSON data like the site title, etc.

Each variable will be able to be access via

EX2 adding in the title variable from the SITE table

//dataExists() will load the data for the site, if it is not used then it is not loaded
        echo $site->data->title;


If a user tries to access a url that is not in the URLS table, it will be redirected to the 404 page.
A good use for the REDIRECT_URL field is to redirect people to an underconstruction page while the page you work on is being updated.

##Templating You can add a template for all pages, not includes, by providing

$_layout = "default";

somewhere on the page. You can also provide a $_title parameter as well. Any other variables that you want to carry over to the next template will need to be declared as follows

$_parm = '{ "title": "Home Page" }';

These can then be referenced at on any template you add as well as in any includes you have.

echo $page->parm->title;

Templates can be nested. Example, you can have your page use a page template, which uses the default template.

##Additional This runs on PHP 5 This also needs the Apache2 Mod_rewrite module as well as htaccess files enabled.