

Skeleton of Gulp workflow with Jekyll

gulp-jekyll - Skeleton of Gulp workflow with Jekyll


Just Jekyll and its dependencies.


git clone gulp-jekyll-project
cd gulp-jekyll-project
npm install
bundle update

gulp-jekyll includes Bourbon mixin library and Neat semantic grid framework by default. All .scss and .css files will be combined into a single all.css file at build time. Drop a new .scss file into the _css/ directory and restart gulp. @import it in main.scss for an easy modular workflow.

gulp-jekyll supports multiple JavaScript files. Drop a new .js file in the _js/ directory and restart gulp. All JavaScript will be combined into a single all.js file at build time.

There is no need to restart gulp when you edit existing .js files and .scss files. The watcher will recomiple the all.* files on the fly.