

Check for existence of a file with this Jekyll plugin

Jekyll File Exists

A Jekyll plugin that makes it easily possible to check the existence of a file.


Copy file_exists.rb into the /_plugins/ directory of your Jekyll project.


Basic Example

The plugin adds a new custom liquid tag, which can be used as follows:
{% file_exists images/file-example.jpg %}

The output will be "true" or "false" (a string, not a boolean).

You can also use liquid objects within the tag:
{% file_exists {{ author_photo_url }} %}

Important: The path needs to start at the root level of your Jekyll project and without a leading slash /.

Production Example

I’m using the plugin on My Morning Routine to check if an author image exists, otherwise Jekyll should use our placeholder image.

1. Check if the file exists AND capture the result

We’re saving the plugins output to author_photo:
{% capture author_photo %}{% file_exists {{ author_photo_url }} %}{% endcapture %}

2. Write an if/else clause for the result

If the author photo exists "true" we gonna use it, otherwise "false" we use the placeholder image.

{% if author_photo == "true" %}
  {% assign author_photo = author_photo_url | prepend: "/" | prepend: site.baseurl %}
{% else %}
  {% assign author_photo = "no-photo.jpg" | prepend: "/images/routines/" | prepend: site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
