

Template repository for Jekyll 4 on Yama CMS. Automatic mirror of https://gitlab.com/yama-cms/examples/jekyll

Yama CMS - Jekyll starter example

This is a starter/example Jekyll repository, configured to interface with Yama CMS.

Yama CMS will write .md files to ./pages & ./_posts. Once you've wired up your repository with Yama CMS, delete the ./pages/ and ./_posts/ files and update the configuration to match your needs.

Installation and usage

You can either run this repository directly if you have the Ruby tooling installed; or you can use Earthly (think Dockerfiles + Makefiles) to run the needed tools inside containers.

Running directly (to install, see Download Ruby):

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

Running via Earthly (to install, see Earthly's Get Started):

earthly +dev

For more information on how to use Earthly, see our YamaCMS specific documentation or the official Earthly documentation.

Editing this README

When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file. If you need inspiration, see makeareadme.com for templates and ideas.