

A really simple and clean Jekyll Bootstrap theme

'zen' theme for Jekyll Bootstrap

A really simple theme as seen on my blog


Gravatar & caption

Requires an extra property in your _config.yaml file

author :
  gravatar :
    url :
    caption : Looking snazzy...

If you don't want to use a Gravatar for the avatar image, just go to _includes/themes/zen/default.html and set your own image url there.


The bio text which sits underneath the image is just hardcoded html in the _includes/themes/zen/default.html file - handle this as you wish (I couldn't be bothered implementing a cleaner solution for this, but including another file with a bio is not a difficult task if you wish to do so)

Homepage layout

Included is a index.html file which displays a basic list of posts and dates, feel free to modify this.


Just run rake theme:install git=""

And you're done.
