

An implementation of Adaptive Images with srcset and sizes using Google’s open image resizing service.

Jekyll Adaptive Images

An implementation of Adaptive Images with srcset and sizes using Google’s open image resizing service.

The tag is simple:

{% adaptive_image /path/to/image.jpg [attr="value"] %}

You can add as many attributes as you want.

Global Configuration

To keep things simple and consistant, you can set up the standard sizes of your adaptive images in variables in _config.yml:

  cache: 2592000
    - 1920
    - 600
    - 320
      - "(min-width:60em) 42.5em"
    - 100vw
  • cache is for the length of time you want to cache it (in seconds)
  • srcset is a list of sizes (in unitless pixel widths) you want to offer
  • sizes is the size configurations for layout purposes
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