

Template for building and deploying Jekyll websites to

ACM Conversational User Interfaces

This is a template for building a website part of the ACM CUI conference/workshop series. The website will be hosted at in a custom directory (e.g.,

This template repository is for websites built with the Jekyll Static Website Generator.


  1. Put your Jekyll website in the root of this repository in the main branch

  2. Your _config.yml can be configured for local host testing, but you should have a _config_production.yml file for settings you want to deploy at deployment

    • A sample file has been provided
    • It is important that you insert a correct baseurl parameter
    • Every time you commit, everything in this directory will be replaced!
  3. Change the name parameter of the GitHub Action workflow in .github/workflows/jekyll.yml to something appropriate

  4. Ask the CUI Technical Chair to enable your Action to push to

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