

jekyll course website template

This repo contains a template for creation of course websites. The website structure is driven dynamically from a CSV file _data/schedule.csv. This allows the content descriptions, pages, and schedule to be easily updated with new dates, lecture order, etc. The template is designed to build with Github Pages when pushed to Github.

Be sure to configure your GitHub repo to use GitHub Pages and point it to the main branch.

Getting started

  1. Download the Source code for the latest release of this repo from GitHub
  2. Expand the archive on your computer, and rename it to something like what your website will be called, e.g. bf500_course_website
  3. Initialize the repo as a git repo using your favorite git client, e.g. git init . from inside the new directory
  4. Create a new repo on GitHub for your course site, and follow the instructions to push your local repo to GitHub
  5. Enable Pages on your GitHub repo from the Settings page
  6. Customize the content of your site following the instructions below

Initial Configuration

Things to do:

  1. Create/edit _data/schedule.csv using the scheme described below
  2. Create markdown files for your topic and assignment tags Create files in the _lectures/ and _assignments/ directories for each of the tags in your schedule CSV
  3. Edit _config.yml Set the url and title fields appropriately
  4. Edit assets/css/style.scss You can configure all the colors of the site using the variables in this file.
  5. Remove the relative_include tag from so this readme doesn't appear on the main page


The file _data/schedule.csv specifies the details of all course content and is used to populate the site dynamically. This should be a comma separated value file with the following columns:

  1. Date Any format (e.g. 1/27/2023)
  2. Day Day of week (e.g. M, T, W, etc)
  3. Lec Lecture number as integers (e.g. 1,2,3,...)
  4. Topic Human-readable name of lecture
  5. Topic Tag Machine-readable tag for lecture
  6. Topic Slide Link Publish URL for google slides
  7. Assignment Human-readable name of assignment
  8. Assignment Tag Machine-readable tag for lecture
  9. Additional custom columns

The first row of schedule.csv should have the exact column names as above in that order. Each row of the spreadsheet causes a row in the Schedule table to be created as follows:

  1. Date, Day, and Lec columns are added as-is
  2. The Topic column is populated dynamically based on the data in the row:
    1. If Lec has no value, the row is colored white. This is useful for semester dates when class is not held, e.g. spring break.
    2. If Lec has a value, the row is colored normally, and the field contains:
      1. If Topic Tag has a value, a link to the page _lectures/<Topic Tag>.html with the text in Topic
      2. If Topic Tag does not have a value, the Topic text is placed in the column with no link
  3. The Assignment column follows the same logic as the Topic column, except with Assignment and Assignment Tag values, and links are to _assignments/<Assignment Tag>.htmln
  4. Any additional columns in the spreadsheet will be ignored but may be added manually by customizing

The Tag column values should have no spaces in them and no special characters other than hyphens -.

Lecture/Assignment pages

The template expects there to be an individual markdown document under _lectures or _assignments for each Topic Tag or Assignment Tag, respectively. For example, if a Topic Tag is intro-lecture-1, the template looks for the file _lectures/ Similarly for Assignment Tag. The contents of the file must include the standard markdown header at minimum:


This is additional text for the page that you can write

There are two special features on lecture pages:

  1. Automatically generates links at the top of individual lecture pages to go forward/backward along the lectures according to the Lec value in the spreadsheet.
  2. If Topic Slide Link has a value, the slides are embedded at the top of the page

The site is designed specifically to show Google Slides decks that have been published. The link in schedule.csv must be the link obtained as follows:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.