Minima flavor: Slate

The slate flavor makes minima look like slate so slate-based websites can expand beyond a single page.

You can can preview the flavor to see what it looks like, and compare it to the Slate preview.


You can either manually copy the _sass and assets folder into your minima-based project, or you can add this repository as a remote and merge master as an unrelated branch (be cautious of the and LICENSE file also in master).

Minima flavors

Adding the right css rules on top of the minima theme can let a site transition to a more full-featured theme without dramatically changing the apperance of the site. GitHub Pages has great, gem-based themes to help you create an attractive project page quickly. Unfortunately, when a site grows beyond a single page, the project faces the growing pains because these themes do not provide any navigation area so the projct must either switch to a new theme or hack the existing one for some rudimentery support. The minima theme is exceptional for having built-in support multiple pages and navigation and this repository themes it to look like the slate theme.


  • master The default branch which contains the flavor files.
  • jekyll-comparison A new Jekyll including this flavor for comparison with vanilla minima.
  • slate-comparison / gh-pages A Jekyll project including this flavor and the content from the Slate preview website for comparision with the Slate theme.

Upstream (slate) changes

This repository derived directly from the Slate-theme. git subtree does not work when all of the files are not in the directory; however, the concept used is the same. The following command can be used on the slate repository to extract compatible history and get any new changes. The command is derived from this StackOverflow answer.

git filter-branch -f \
    --prune-empty \
    --index-filter '
        git ls-tree -z -r --name-only --full-tree $GIT_COMMIT \
        | grep -z -v "^_sass/jekyll-theme-slate.scss$" \
        | grep -z -v "^_sass/slate.scss$" \
        | grep -z -v "^LICENSE$" \
        | grep -z -v "^assets/images/bg_hr.png$" \
        | xargs -0 -r git rm --cached -r
    ' \
    -- \