pRoJEct-NeGYa is a hacker-like, highly-customizable theme for note-keeping, personal-website or CV.
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This jekyll theme is a content-oriented blog, cv or learning notes, aimed at providing a convinient note-keeping tool. You can keep and review your notes or articles in different collections without any functional recode.
The installation of gem is depend on your operating system. Alternatively, you can download Gem through browser: Ruby, and install rubygems manually.
# macOS
brew update
brew install ruby
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install ruby
# Arch
sudo pacman -S ruby
gem install bundler
bundler install jekyll
jekyll plugins
gem install jekyll-sitemap jekyll-feed jekyll-seo-tag jekyll-mermaid
Edit _config.yml with your own website information.
All your articles could be stored in this folder. You could create a new collection by creating a subfolder begin with a slash, and register the basic information in _config.yml. Here is an example:
# Collections
output : true
permalink : /:collection/:title/
sort_by : date
output : true
permalink : /:collection/:title/
order: # specify post order manually
output : true
permalink : /:collection/:title/
sort_by : date
All your articles would be shown by clicking Archive button in the header of your website.
Delete all sample collections under ./collections/, and have fun in writing!
Create your own account in, and change the attribute "disqus_username" in _config.yml.
Run command below, and access "" to test your website locally.
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can add many front matter to customize a page. For more information, visit official document: [] (
layout: post # page layout, must be one of layouts under src/_layouts
title: "Sample" # string
author: "your_name" # string
post_list: "cate" # whether to show post list under collections/_post, one of false, "cate", "date"
collection_list: true # true or false
toc: true # table of content, true or false
show_date: true # whether to show date, true or false
home_btn: true # whether to show home button, true or false
btn_text: true # whether to show button text, true or false
footer: true # whether to show footer, true or false
maximize: true # whether to show maximize button, true or false
encrypted_text: true # whether to enable encrypted text, true or false
publish: true # if you wish keep this page invisible, put false here
toc_level: 4 # the depth of toc, one of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
comment: ture # whether to show comment area
category: "sample" # string
date: 2019-5-25 # YYYY-MM-DD
excerpt: "This is excerpt." # string
abstract: "This is abstract. Abstract is blank by default." # string
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
)git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
)git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
)Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
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