

Jekyll like theme for djangothis

A jekyll like theme for djangothis.

Sample site:

How to setup your blog

$ mkdir blog
$ cd blog
$ pip install djangothis
$ git clone _theme

$ # creates config.yaml, index.html, _posts, and sample post
$ djangothis jekyll_init
All Done.
Run "djangothis jekyll_post" or "djangothis jekyll_page".

$ djangothis 
Validating models...

0 errors found
Django version 1.4.1, using settings None
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

To create a new page run:

$ djanogthis jekyll_page --url="/hello-world/" Hello World
hello-world/index.html created.

To create a new post:

$ djangothis jekyll_post This is a new post
_post/ created.

To dump the site:

$ wget -m http://localhost:8000 # while server is running

Using gunicorn speeds up mirroring of the site, if you want it then do the following:

$ pip install gunicorn
$ djangothis gunicorn # instead of just "djangothis" to run server

And then mirror the site using wget.

$ wget -m http://localhost:8000



This theme is based on excellent work Yuya Saito, and all other credit goes to jekyllbootstrap.